In the News

IC Press Release

2018-05-24T18:30:29+00:00May 24th, 2018|In the News|

Today, Governor Kay Ivey introduced two major parts of the Gulf State Park Enhancement Project, the Interpretive Center and East Pedestrian Bridge. The first look took place at the newly constructed Interpretive Center located at 22250-A East Beach Boulevard, adjacent to the Beach Pavilion. These [...]

Project on Schedule

2016-07-06T14:14:15+00:00June 30th, 2016|GSP Enhancement, In the News|

In a statement released this week, Governor Bentley announced the enhancements planned as part of the Gulf State Park Project are on schedule to be complete by 2018. Plans for the park include restoring the equivalent of 50 football fields of dunes, adding 9.5 miles [...]

Dive on in!

2016-07-06T14:13:43+00:00June 24th, 2016|In the News, Summer|

Campground pool is tops on the Gulf Coast! The secret is out! The campground pool is among's "18 Awesome Pools on the Gulf Coast". Our campers already know the campground pool is the perfect place to beat the heat. The family-friendly destination has been [...]

Open Letter from Mayor Craft of Gulf Shores

2016-07-06T14:16:38+00:00May 12th, 2016|GSP Enhancement, In the News|

Mayor Craft of Gulf Shores has published an open letter supporting the Gulf State Park Enhancement Project: “We learned from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill that our community’s economy and quality of life are closely tied to the environment. I firmly believe the Gulf [...]

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